Forging Excellence Through Continuous Learning.

Pursuit of Legal Excellence: Academic Engagements.

Discover our team's unwavering commitment to perpetual academic advancement. Engaging in several academic events and studies, our collective dedication to ongoing learning propels our pursuit of legal excellence. This ethos of continuous education defines our firm, ensuring that we consistently uphold the highest standards of legal expertise and remain at the vanguard of industry innovation.

Elsa Portugal Legal Research Group

We're delighted to share that our Founder, Joana Tomaz Hilzbrich, has joined the esteemed ELSA Portugal Legal Research Group focused on Business and Human Rights. This collaboration between ELSA Portugal and the NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights, and the Environment offers a unique opportunity for legal scholars and practitioners. By participating in this initiative, Joana and fellow members will actively contribute to shaping policy advancements in Portugal's business and human rights landscape.

I Intensive Course on Shareholders' Agreements.

Our esteemed founder, Joana Tomaz Hilzbrich, is currently immersed in an intensive course on Shareholders' Agreements, taking place from October 16th to December 11th, 2023. This dedicated learning opportunity underscores her commitment to staying at the forefront of legal expertise.

IX Advanced Post Graduation Course in Corporate Law

Our esteemed founder, Joana Tomaz Hilzbrich, is currently enrolled in the IX Advanced Post Graduation Course in Corporate Law, which will take place from October 3rd, 2023 to June 27th, 2024. This comprehensive course demonstrates her dedication to continuously enhancing her proficiency in corporate law, underscoring her unwavering commitment to legal excellence.